Kerb 28

Kerb 28: Decentre – Designing for coexistence in a time of crisis

11 Dec 2020

The 28th edition of Kerb Journal was recently released, titled "Decentre: Designing for coexistence in a time of crisis."

2020: Bushfires, drought, mass extinction, global heating, oceanic acidification, superstorms, and finally pandemic. Human-centric development has brought great violence to the land and other beings, but we are now enduring a series of crises that force us to confront our ecological entanglement.

Kerb 28 looks through a broad lens toward ideas, practices and knowledge that better enable coexistence. It explores what role can design play in imagining and embracing forms of agency that will allow us to co-inhabit earth with non-humans.

Contributors include OCULUS Associate Director Claire Martin and Graduate Landscape Architect Molly Rose-Coulter, along with many great names including Dan Hill, Timothy Morton, Terike Haapoja, Janet Laurence, Stephen Mueke, Gina Athena Ulysse, Hannah Hopewell, Nina Lykke and Camila Marambio and more.

Kerb is an annual cross-disciplinary design journal produced by students of landscape architecture at RMIT University, School of Architecture and Urban Design. The students are taught and supervised by OCULUS Communications Manager Ricky Ray Ricardo and OCULUS is also a proud financial sponsor of the not-for-profit journal.

Kerb is published by URO.

Purchase copies here.

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